Sefa Kayi apologizes to Cheddar for misreporting on the Limited Voter Registration Exercise. You're right, and am wrong.


Host of Peace FM’s Kokrokoo Show, Kwami Sefa Kayi has admitted to misreporting on the availability of a period for Ghanaians who are yet to turn 18 to register after the just ended Limited Voter Registration Exercise.

His admission comes after the founder and leader of New Force Movement, Nana Kwame Bediako, popularly known as Cheddar appeared on the Show advocating for a continuous voter registration system where individuals who turn 18 years after the close of the Voter Registration Exercise can be given a chance to register.

But the Director of Electoral Services at the Electoral Commission (EC), Dr Serebour Quaicoe who also waded in the conversation revealed that the Commission is yet initiate such a system.

“We are yet to roll out the continuous registration, the Commission is planning to do a mob up exercise if the need arises,” he added.

But the Director of Electoral Services at the Electoral Commission (EC), Dr Serebour Quaicoe who also waded in the conversation revealed that the Commission is yet initiate such a system.
“We are yet to roll out the continuous registration, the Commission is planning to do a mob up exercise if the need arises,” he added.

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