I'll Allow mining companies in my area if we’ll share profits equally – Dormaahene


Dormaahene Osagyefo Oseadeeyo Dr. Agyemang Badu II has revealed intentions to welcome mining companies into his traditional territories, aiming to generate ample job opportunities for his people, thus enriching the economic landscape and fostering regional growth.

Dr. Agyemang Badu II emphasized a fair 50% profit-sharing agreement with the Ghanaian government, ensuring significant national development benefits from the mining ventures, contributing substantially to the country’s economy and supporting various developmental endeavors.

Furthermore, he pledged a brighter future for his community, envisioning enhancements in education and infrastructure through the revenue generated from the mining activities.

He highlighted the potential for a significant transformation, promising improved educational facilities and infrastructure for a better quality of life for all residents.

Regarding the selection of a running mate, the Dormaahene expressed concerns during a meeting with Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and the Bono Regional House of Chiefs.

He stressed the importance of considering qualified candidates from diverse regions to avoid alienating voters and ensure broader national support.

He cautioned against a narrow approach, urging inclusivity in the candidate selection process to safeguard the party’s electoral fortunes.

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